Jan 4, 2023


Key Takeaways:

  1. Solar energy is a renewable, sustainable, affordable energy source that can power your home or office.
  2. Solar panels are becoming more efficient yearly, and the installation price is also dropping.
  3. Many government incentives and programs are available to help offset the cost of going solar.
  4. Solarizing your offices or homes has multiple advantages like reducing your carbon footprint, saving money on monthly energy costs, and supporting the eventual switch to renewable resources.

If you’ve been planning to go solar, 2023 is the year to do it. With the advancement of solar technology and the decrease in cost, there has never been a better time to solarize your home or office. Solar panels are becoming more efficient, and installation costs are also dropping. In addition, there are now many government incentives and programs available to help offset the cost of going solar. So, if you’ve been waiting for the perfect time to make the switch, 2023 is it.

Solar energy is a renewable, sustainable, affordable energy source that can power your home or office. Adopting solar energy has multiple advantages, including reducing your carbon footprint, saving money on monthly energy costs, and supporting the eventual switch to renewable resources.

If you’re ready to switch to solar, this blog post is for you!

Benefits of Solarizing Your Offices and Homes

1. Solar Energy Is a Renewable Resource

Solar energy is a renewable resource. It can be replenished or replaced over time. Unlike fossil fuels, solar energy is renewable & will never be depleted. Solar energy is a far cleaner option than fossil fuels, as it doesn’t release harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

2. Solar Energy Is Free

Once you have installed solar panels on your home or business, the sun will provide the energy for free. You will no longer have to pay for electricity from the utility company, which can save you a significant amount of money each month.

3. Solar Energy Is Efficient

Solar panels can convert a large percentage of the sun’s rays into usable electricity. The efficiency rating of solar panels is usually around 15-20%. This means that for every 100 watts of sunlight that hits the panel, 15-20 watts of electricity are generated.

4. Solar Energy Is Versatile

You can use solar energy for various applications, including generating electricity, heating water, and powering appliances. Additionally, solar panels can be used in both residential & commercial settings.

5. Solar Energy Is Becoming More Affordable

The solar panel cost has fallen by more than 70% over the past decade, making it far more affordable than before. Additionally, various financial incentives are available to help offset the upfront cost of installing solar panels.

6. Solar Energy Reduces Your Carbon Footprint

As the world grapples with the ramifications of climate change, it’s more critical than ever to find ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Solar energy is a great way to do this, as it doesn’t produce emissions or pollution.

7. Solar Energy Can Help You Save On Your Energy Bills

Solar panels can significantly reduce your energy costs, as you’ll use less power from the grid. If you produce more power than you need, you can sell it to the utility company.

Related: How Effective Are Solar Panels During Winter?

Essential Factors to Consider Before Going Solar

1. The Amount of Sunlight Your Home Receives

Before going solar, one crucial factor to consider is the sunlight your home receives. Solar panels work best when they have direct sunlight, so trees or other buildings that cast shadows may make a home less ideal for solar. You can check how much sunlight your home receives by using an online tool like the Solar Site Assessment Tool from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

2. The Orientation of Your Roof

The roof’s orientation also influences how much solar energy your home can generate. You should install solar panels on a south-facing roof for optimal results. If your roof is not south-facing, you may still be able to generate enough electricity to offset some of your energy usages, but it will likely be less than if you had a south-facing roof.

3. The Pitch of Your Roof

In addition to orientation, the roof’s pitch, or angle, also affects how much solar energy your home can capture. A steeper pitched roof is better than a flat roof for solar because it allows the panels to be installed at a higher angle, giving them more direct sunlight exposure.


4. The Type of Solar Panel You Choose

There are two main solar panel types: crystalline silicon and thin film. Crystalline silicon panels are the most common type of solar panel made from silicon crystals. Thin-film panels are made from thin layers of semiconductor materials such as cadmium telluride or amorphous silicon. Both panels are effective at generating electricity, but crystalline silicon panels are typically more efficient and have a longer lifespan than thin-film panels.

5. Your Budget

Solar panel systems can range in price from around $10,000 to $30,000 or more, depending on the size & type of plan you choose. However, many financial incentives can help offset the cost of going solar, including tax credits and rebates.

6. Your Electric Bill

The electricity bill you pay each month will also play a role in deciding if solar panels are right for you. The more electricity you use, the more significant the potential savings from going solar.

7. Your Utility Company’s Net Metering Policy

Net metering is essential when going solar, as it allows you to receive credit from your utility company for the excess electricity your solar panels produce.

8. Federal And State Tax Incentives

Federal and state tax incentives, such as the Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), can significantly reduce the cost of going solar. Check what incentives are available in your area before making a final decision.

Related: Homeowner’s Guide to Going Solar


2023 is shaping up to be an exciting year for solar energy. With new technologies and financing options becoming available, there has never been a better time to go solar. If you’re thinking about making the switch, be sure to do your research and find a reputable solar installer.

Solar is an excellent way to save money on your energy bill & with the right system, it can even provide power during a blackout. We’ll help you make the most of this exciting technology.

Can-Am Roofing of Central Florida, LLC, wants to show you how easy and affordable it can be with our expert solar installation services in Melbourne. Get a free estimate now!